How To Get a Job In a Design Agency – (23 Feb 2015)

Redweb, Bournemouth Tim Stone - '12, Ralph Saunders - '13 14 years Team of 130 - grouped into teams 50-60 contractors London Specialist developers (.Net) deliver a good argument and justification (soft skills - writing, talking etc.)   Folk Digital, Poole Frank Clarke - '12 started in a small barber shop team of 22 e-commerce sites specialty (php) office now a converted factory two front end - one back end developer server set up company still expanding (Feb 2015) Learn little bits of everything   Zeta Chris Rogers - App Developer - '12 in…Read more

Interactive Map – What Has Been Achieved? (Week 1)

Interactive Map – What Has Been Achieved? (Week 1)
Want to follow my final year projects development progress? Then look no further - this is week one!   Overview This first week of my project development has been quite eventful if I am honest. I have achieved a lot more than I set out to and it has helped me to progress to a point where I am feeling comfortable and confident that I can complete this project on time. 19Read more

Interactive Map – Task List

Web Page Create a simple wireframe mock up of the layout using the Bootstrap HTML, CSS and JS framework. - (Completed 2015-02-15) Create placement for map. - (Completed 2015-02-15) Create placement for news feed. - (Completed 2015-02-16) Create placement for tabbed sidebar with Trends and Location conversation. - (Completed 2015-02-16) Create most popular/tweeted pictures placement. - (Buggy 2015-02-16) Create Twitter picture stream placement. - (Buggy 2015-02-17)   Map Include Google Map API. - (Completed 2015-02-15) Load Google Map into placement. - (Completed 2015-02-15) Get Google Map to recognise the current map location by latitude and longitude - (Completed 2015-02-15) Get Google…Read more
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